Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Addison Update!

I know that I have not held up to my promise to keep updated on our family..... but I will do better! :)

Our sweet little girl is growing and growing! She is now 3 months and 1 week! It is amazing how fast time goes by! I feel like we just brought her home. She is a happy baby! It truly is a miracle to watch her discover new things. She is a good sleeper as well! She takes a 2 hr nap in the morning and afternoon and a 1 hr nap in the evening. At night she sleeps between 8 and 9 hrs! We are blessed by this baby girl! Here are some pictures to catch you up!

One month old! Cute ruffles on her little bottom!

Trying out a bottle for the first time. She takes a bottle well when I need her to! So thankful for that!

This is the face we get when she gets unhappy..... sweet little pouty lip!

Her first smile! My heart melted!

She loves to be on her changing table! Addison smiles and talks when the clothes and diaper come off! She loves to be naked! :)

Precious! 2 months old!

Sophie, who I babysat, meeting Addison! What a sweet moment!

Ava, who I also babysat, meeting Addison!

Happy Valentine's Day! She sure does love her daddy!

Sink bath at Gommie's house! I was so excited for her to get a bath in the sink!

What a sweet face!

Taking a nap during church! Kyle said she is saying, "Can I get a what, what?" haha

I will post more pictures as soon as I get them uploaded! Thank you for your prayers for our precious baby girl and our family!

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