Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Welcome to the world sweet boy!

Boston is almost 3 months old so I figured now is as good of a time as any to write his birth story!  I had a wonderful pregnancy!  It seemed to go much faster than my pregnancy with Addison.  Probably because I was busy chasing my girl and doing life. 

On Wednesday, April 3, I had my 38 week appointment.  I was measuring perfectly and was dilated 2 cm and 75% effaced.  I was happy to hear that everything was just fine because it was at this time when I was pregnant with Addison that my blood pressure decided to freak out and I was diagnosed with gestational hypertension.  I had been having fairly regular contractions for a week but nothing that was sending me into active labor.  I was hoping that Boston would make his debut soon but not too soon.  We had a family friend getting married that weekend and I really wanted to go!  Thankfully he stayed put and we were able to attend the wedding and make it back home without me going into labor.  I also wanted him to stay put because I love being pregnant!  I was starting to ache and get uncomfortable at times but I truly love it!  I wasn't ready to be done yet!

I made it to my 39 week appointment on Tuesday, April 9.  Everything was still looking perfect.  I was now 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced.  My contractions were still there and were doing their job but hadn't kicked me into active labor.  My doctor asked me if I would like to have my membranes swept so I said sure.  She told me that for 75% of women they go into labor within 72 hours and for the other 25% nothing happens.  So we left our appointment and went shopping for summer clothes for Addison!  I wasn't expecting anything to happen.

Before I put Addison to bed that night I told Kyle that I hoped Boston didn't decide to come in the middle of the night because I wanted to be able to hug and kiss Addison one last time before going to the hospital and her whole world changing.  I rocked her a little bit longer that night and hugged her a little bit tighter.  At 4:45am on Wednesday, April 10, Addison woke up and was crying.  I got out of bed and felt a little "pop".  I thought it was just my hips because they had been popping for a few weeks at this point.  I went into Addison's room and as I bent over to pick her up out of bed I felt it!  Although I wasn't sure if my water had truly broken or if I had had an "accident"!  :)  I told Addison mommy needed to go potty and I would be right back.  Kyle was getting up for work at the same time.  I told him I thought my water had broken but wasn't sure.  I hadn't experienced this with Addison.  He asked if we should call the hospital and our parents.  I told him to go ahead and get in the shower and I was going to put Addison back to bed.  I feel that God let Addison wake up so I could have those last precious minutes of her as my only baby.  I rocked her and sang her "Amazing Grace" at her request.  I hugged and kissed my baby girl one last time before we would become a family of 4.

By this time Kyle was out of the shower and I was positive that my water had broken.  At 5am we called our parents and let them know that today, April 10, was the day!  I called the hospital and let them know and told them I was going to shower and get ready before I came in.  My mom got ready and headed our way and Kyle's parents came to stay with Addison until my sister, Adi, could get here to stay with her.  At 6:15am I was ready to go and we headed to the hospital.

We got to the hospital and I was in my room by 6:30am.  My contractions were about 5 min apart and regular.  I got all hooked up and the nurse checked me and I was still 3 cm and 80% effaced.  I told them I wanted to sit on a birthing ball.  One thing I learned from my labor with Addison was that I wanted and needed to move around.  It was much easier to labor this way.  Like last time, we wanted our mother's there for the birth.  I wanted Kyle to be able to focus on me and the baby and not worry about pictures or anything like that.  It was such a huge blessing with Addison and again with Boston for them to be there.

At noon my doctor came and checked me and I was 5 cm.  Up until this point I had been laboring using the birthing ball and standing/leaning on the bed swaying back and forth.   I was amazed how different labor was when it comes naturally compared to being induced.  My contractions weren't nearly as painful and things were moving rather quickly.  I was praying Boston would be here soon and based on how quickly I dilated at the end of labor with Addison I didn't think he was far off. 

At 12:30pm things were starting to get intense and I asked the nurse to check me.  I was 7cm and at that time I asked for some Nubain for the pain.  Just like with Addison it let my body relax and by 1:00pm I was ready to push.  The nurse checked and I was 10 cm and they told me not to push!  Haha!  My body was doing it's thing all on it's own.  My doctor's partner was there checking on one of his patients so they called him down because they didn't think she would make it on time.  At 1:25pm my doctor walked in the room, I pushed maybe 3 times and at 1:28pm my sweet little boy entered the world! 

Just like when Addison was born there are no words to describe the incredible moment when they laid Boston on my chest.  I was elated that he was finally here!  The sweet boy that I had prayed for and waited on for 9 months was here in my arms.  Boston and I had some quality skin to skin time before I finally let them clean him up.  Boston weighed 7 lb. 4 oz. and was 21 in.  Other than Kyle and I, I wanted Addison to be the first person to hold Boston.  We let our family come in and see him and after a little while my sister brought Addison to the hospital.  What a precious moment watching my kids meet and showing Addison her baby brother.

Boston nursed like a pro and was super content.  All of our family was able to meet Boston and they all marveled at the preciousness of our new baby.  We had it easy in the hospital with Boston and it has continued to be that way since we have been home.  Boston is a happy, easy going boy.  He eats and sleeps well.  We have adjusted well to being a family of 4.  I love spending my days with both of my babies!  I can't wait to see what God has in store for his precious life!