Saturday, May 21, 2011


For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a mom.  Growing up I was always playing house and being the mommy.  I loved playing with dolls.  I have loved children forever.  As soon as I was old enough to babysit I was.  I didn't think there could be a better job than taking care of children.  Because of my love for children I thought being a teacher would be awesome!

I still do think being a teacher is what my paying job should be and will be one day!  I love watching children discover new things.  I love seeing that light in their eyes when they achieve something they thought they couldn't.  I love the joy it brings to my heart when these things happen!  I love the challenge of teaching!  But for now that paying job is on hold.  I believe I have the BEST job in the world!

The role of mother is probably the most important career a woman can have.  -Janet Mary Riley

This job doesn't pay in dollars.  There are no promotions or vacations.  There are many late nights and early mornings.  It's a messy job at times.  But it's the most rewarding job!  It pays in cuddles, kisses and most importantly LOVE!  I cannot dream of a better job than being the mother to my sweet baby girl! 

During my long life of 25 years (haha) I have been asked several times what my biggest fear was.  I am sure as a child it was some sort of bug or reptile.  As I got older it could have been losing one of my parents or dying a horrific death.... something along those lines.  When I was in high school I really thought about what my BIGGEST fear was.  I finally had an answer to that question.  It was that I would never be able to have children of my own.  I know that there are other options.  But I truly desired to be pregnant and give birth to my own child.  The older I got the more my fear deepened.  It wasn't the kind of fear that kept me from living life or experiencing things.  It was something deep down that I thought about often.  Especially when I married the man of my dreams, Kyle!  Would I be able to give him a child?  Would my dream come true?

On April 12, 2010 I found out that my dream was coming true!  This is the day that I found out I was pregnant with Addison.  I didn't have a preference of boy or girl.  I was just so excited that I was pregnant!  In about 9 months I was going to give birth to MY baby!  (Well our baby!)  I no longer had to worry about my biggest fear.  God had blessed me with the gift of carrying my child and giving birth to her.

I can truthfully say that I have never been happier in my life!  We don't have lots of money and we don't have the most expensive top of the line things.  But I do have the love of the most amazing man and the sweetest baby girl!  God has provided for us from the moment we became husband and wife.  He saw us through Kyle's layoff.  He provided a job for both of us during that time.  And now He is still providing for us through Kyle's job so that I can stay home with Addison.

Along with having children I always hoped that I would be able to stay at home and care for them.  I am so thankful for Kyle who works hard to provide for us every day.  He is not a huge fan of his job and we are praying every day that the perfect job will come soon!  We know that it will when the time is right!  It's just hard waiting on God's timing sometimes.  We are learning a lot about patience!

I feel incredibly blessed to be able to stay at home!  I have loved being able to witness all of Addison's firsts!  I can't imagine leaving her with someone else every day.  I thank God every day that He has made all of this possible.  I cannot imagine a better "job" than taking care of our home and daughter!

I always had a hard time answering the question, "If you could describe your life in one word what would it be?"  I no longer have a hard time.  My answer would simply be....