Friday, February 20, 2009

Our First Married Valentine's Day

Our first married Valentine's day was a wonderful one! My amazing husband woke me up with a very sweet card, a new picture frame and two incredibly smelling candles. It was a nice surprise! I gave Kyle a card, the movie Jerry McGuire and Peanut Butter Twix. We thought it was great to finally be able to buy husband and wife cards! What a great way to start our day!

Our Valentine's picture that I put in my new frame! Oh how I love him!

My mom gave us a gift card for Olive Garden so we had a wonderful dinner in Fort Wayne! It was nice to be out of the house together! We talked about our relationship and how wonderful the past 7 months have been being married! Life is wonderful with my best friend!

This decadent Black Tie Mousse Cake was a great way to end our day of love! I look forward to many more holidays with my husband!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hard Times

We knew that there would be hard times but we didn't know what that would entail in our lives. Kyle has been searching for his career job in Sports Management and still is. We are praying that doors will be opened and we will be blessed with the job God has for him. During this time Kyle has been working for Defiance Metal Products, a factory in our town. On January 27 he was layed off from his job. We were shocked and never thought we would be in this situation. We sat together and cried and prayed. We know there is lots to learn from this time in our lives but we are praying it doesn't last long.

I have been subbing but not enough to provide for us. I interviewed for a teaching job at a preschool and am awaiting any news from there. Kyle is looking for anything right now until his career job comes along.

We know that we will make it through this rough time and we have an amazing family that is helping us. Please pray along with us that Kyle finds a job and that we can live without worry. Thank you all for your support! We love you!